Molly Chanson Yoga

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Love is the Highest Vibration

I went to a sound bath this weekend. I had never been to one and did not know what to expect. The Kundalini Yoga instructor started us off with breath and some chanting. I sat on my mat and tried to maintain the fast breath technique for 3 minutes. Then we chanted "Sat Nam" which is Sanskrit for "truth is my identity". I felt calmer. She asked us to bring our attention to our third eye, the center of our forehead. I saw a perfect circle there, and a sensation of absolute focus washed over me.

All is exactly as it is meant to be. There is no other truth.

The sound bath started. We laid on our backs and the instructor began playing several different sized singing bowls. I stopped paying attention to how the sounds were being made and focused on how the vibrations felt in my body. Some vibrations were high and anxious, and my heartbeat sped up. Some of the pitches were low and rolling, and my body gave in to the floor and the experience.

I can't remember exactly, but at some point I think the teacher was talking about love, or the heart chakra. The vibration of the bowls mixed together with my cells, and I couldn't tell the difference between the energy in my body and the energy in the room. All the vibrations mingled.

No body.

No room.

No sound.

All energy.

There is a physics to the Universe, a vibration to every cell and every object. Trees, humans, animals, and music all vibrate differently to create their form. Love is said to be the highest vibration of all - and I believe this. Because when I have felt pure love, I get so overwhelmed by the energy. The vibration of love is so high it nearly drops me to my knees. I am not only talking about romantic love, but love for myself, love for others, love for the sky, for food, or a particular moment. When I truly allow myself to accept the vibration of love, it's hard to take a full breath in. I wriggle beneath the weight of love's beauty and fullness.

To connect with the vibration of the Universe, we can connect with love. Think of a moment or a person who has made you beat at the vibration of love. Think of a tender moment with a child or parent. Think of a struggling moment when you felt the hand of a higher power. Think of a joyful moment when you were completely present.

Feel this energy. Let the love consume you, until you beat with the same vibration as the trees, the clouds, and the ocean. Anything is possible here, because your body is singing with truth.

At the end of the sound bath, we all sat up and stayed for a few breaths with our eyes still closed. I came back to the center point of my forehead. I didn't see anything, and yet I saw everything. The worries, fears, arguments with my kids, and busyness of my week, all disappeared. None of it matters.

Love is real and exists whether we touch it, or not. Truth exists whether we understand it, or not. Somehow, touching love through the vibrations of sound connected my soul to something far beyond rational thought. I wouldn't have described love as such a clear focus at the center of my forehead. But that's what it was for me - a washing away of the false, the mundane, and the shallow. Pure focus. Pure truth. Love.

Whenever I have these experiences, they are fleeting. And this is the path of any spiritual practice - we return to yoga, or meditation, or prayer, because we don't have an enlightening moment once and then it remains. We must come back, again and again, to our practice. We glimpse love or truth, and then we quickly forget. I came back from the pleasant sound bath to my house, my life, my problems.

But for that hour, I vibrated with love, and therefore connected to the divine. I remember. And like any practice, I'll do it again.