Love is Patient. Fear is Ravenous.
When I question whether I’m moving towards love or acting out of fear, I have to stop and observe my intentions as well as my body’s sensations. I take a deep breath. I find a quiet spot and 5 minutes of time. I do this often, for big decisions and for small. Our intuition feels sneakily like fear.
When I notice the swirling sensation in my gut, I stop, inhale, and I ask myself, “Am I nervous out of fear? Or am I honoring myself and moving towards love?”
“Our intuition feels sneakily like fear.”
I exhale and consider, “Am I able to withstand, or am I running? Can I abide and watch everything unfold, or am I bulldozing ahead at all costs?”
Fear wants immediate results, and then, just as quickly, fear wants more. Fear is like a puppy that never stops eating, and you wonder where all the food even goes. Fear will never be satisfied, and once you start feeding it, there is no end to fear’s demands.
Fear does not want you to take a big inhale, pause, and relax. Fear wants you to gasp for air just as you exit the water’s surface, and then dive back under for the next battle.
Fear can drown not only romantic relationships, but also friendships, business ventures, creative pursuits, exercise goals, money matters, and physical illness.Fear holds you hostage inside a constant cycle of nothing feeling good enough, and as a result, nothing will bring relief. Feed the fear; feed your story.
Moving towards love does not feel like a fight or a conquest. Moving towards love does not feel like something to win or attain. When you move towards love, you feel exhilarated without the anxiety of lack or loss. There is no hurry, no fear of missing out or being late. When you lean into love, by taking the next best step, more love is sent back to you, maybe in the form of helpers or synchronicities.
Love manifests more love.
“We can withstand the ache of love because even though it hurts, love IS love, which is part of who we are.”
Moving towards love does not always feel good, or even correct. We're so used to acting out of fear, that choosing love might threaten our human instinct for complete safety, protection, and control. But with some trust, love can affect everything in your life in a positive way, even if it means temporary pain. Leaning into love will present ideas, paths, and people that once seemed very out of reach. Leaning into love will make the best relationships and partnerships even better. Leaning into love might mean being vulnerable or asking for help. It might mean detaching or setting a boundary. It might require some grief and some pain. But love will never feel like losing. We can withstand the ache of love because even though it hurts, love IS love, which is part of who we are.
Set your intention and your compass towards love - sit down to breathe, instead of react. Give yourself some space and some time so you don’t feed the fear and so you can make the next right decision. Check in, because fear will always try to derail us. After enough practice, choosing love will come more naturally, and you’ll notice a shift in your demeanor. You'll realize that honoring yourself in love will actually bring the best outcome for all. Our body and our soul want us to choose love, so when we finally start to listen, everything falls into place.