Born to Love
Photos by Kimberly Lempart
Love is such a basic instinctual desire and also our greatest fear. We don't think we deserve it. We think we have to earn it. We put on masks and facades; we try too hard. We get it and fear losing it. We yearn for it and wonder why it escapes us. We fight for it and resent it. We push people away when we feel wronged. We hold people too tightly when we feel them pulling away.
We work too hard, out of fear and feelings of being undeserving.
But love is who we are. We are all born to love.
Sometimes it’s harder for me to accept when things are going well than when they’re going badly. Sometimes pain is easier to feel than joy. I wonder why? Maybe we expect things to go wrong; because then when they do, we might not be as disappointed.
You’ve probably been hurt, at least once or a few times, so it makes sense to put up a guard, and question your intuition when something beautiful walks into your life.
Our body will protect us. Just like love is a basic instinct, so is safety. If we feel unsafe, our heart will close. If we feel trusting, our heart will open, and we will experience love.
Does it mean you should trust everyone? Does it mean you should ignore your past or your lessons? No. But it’s worth checking in with yourself when things in your life are good. How do you experience joy and peace? Does love feel unnerving and unstable? Do you fear it will go away, or that you are wrong?
We can unknowingly keep our painful stories alive, even when there is no reason to. And we might miss out on a new story, and a new experience.
The only way to change the present, and therefore the future, is to let go of the old story.
Imagine you have had no experiences, no pain, no hurt, no heartache. Imagine you are a clean slate, with no baggage and no history. You've made no mistakes. You've never been wronged. You've never misjudged or had someone hurt you.
How would you behave differently? Would you have the same fears? The same perceptions? Or would you approach the idea of love with pure eyes and an open heart? Would you let yourself be vulnerable? Would you let yourself BE YOURSELF? Would you know that you deserve love and are capable of giving love?
A painful past can keep us stuck, and can feed our story that we are undeserving, or that the other shoe will drop. Holding onto the story is only hurting us, and keeping us from love.